German Baroque music orchestra Freiburger Barockorchester (Freiburg Baroque Orchestra) performs the four orchestral suites (called overtures by their author), BWV 1066-1069 by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Bach: Orchestral suites Program
- Suite No. 1 in C major, BWV 1066
- Overture (In C major. Metrical sign of opening section ₵; metrical sign of fugal section is the number 2 with a slash through it)
- Courante (In C major. Metrical sign of 3/2)
- Gavotte I/II (In C major. Metrical sign is 2 with a slash through it)
- Forlane (In C major. Metrical sign is 6/4)
- Menuet I/II (In C major. Metrical sign is 3/4)
- Bourrée I/II (Bourrée I in C major & Bourrée II, the middle section, in C minor. Metrical sign is 2 with a slash through it)
- Passepied I/II (In C major. Metrical sign is 3/4)
- Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067
- Overture (In B minor. Metrical sign of opening section is C; metrical sign of fugal section is 2 with a slash through it; metrical sign of ending section, marked Lentement, is 3/4)
- Rondeau – spelled Rondeaux by Bach (In B minor. Metrical sign is ₵)
- Sarabande (In B minor. Metrical sign is 3/4), with a canon at the 12th between the flute (plus first violins) and the bass
- Bourrée I/II (In B minor. Metrical sign is ₵)
- Polonaise / Double (In B minor. Metrical sign for both is 3/4); the flute part is marked “Moderato e staccato” and the first violin part “lentement” (slowly)
- Menuet (In B minor. Metrical sign is 3/4)
- Badinerie (In B minor. Metrical sign is 2/4). Bach, in the autograph part, spells this “Battinerie”.
- Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068
- Overture (In D major. Metrical sign is ₵ for the opening section; metrical sign is the numeral 2 for the fugal section, in which the autograph first violin part is marked “vite” (fast); metrical sign C for final section)
- Air (In D major. Metrical sign is C)
- Gavotte I/II (In D major. Metrical sign is ₵)
- Bourrée (In D major. Metrical sign is ₵)
- Gigue (In D major. Metrical sign is 6/8)
- Suite No. 4 in D major, BWV 1069
- Overture (In D major. Metrical sign is C for the opening section, 9/8 for the fast fugal section)
- Bourrée I/II (Bourrée I in D major & Bourrée II, the middle section, in B minor. Metrical sign is C)
- Gavotte (In D major. Metrical sign is C)
- Menuet I/II (In D major. Metrical sign is 3/4)
- Réjouissance (In D major. Metrical sign is 3/4)
Freiburger Barockorchester

Founded in 1987 and based in Freiburg im Breisgau, the Freiburger Barockorchester (Freiburg Baroque Orchestra) is a German orchestra. They declared their mission as: “to enliven the world of Baroque music with new sounds”.
In addition to Baroque music, it has performed works by composers such as Beethoven, Schubert and Weber, and contemporary music.
The Freiburger Barockorchester won many awards including the Echo Klassik 2012 as “Ensemble of the Year (Historical Instruments)”.
- Orchestral suites (Bach) on Wikipedia
- Freiburger Barockorchester on Wikipedia